Internship Information

Public History Student Internship

Public History Internships
The Public History Concentration provides graduate students with an opportunity to engage in meaningful work outside the classroom through a required internship. Public history internships help graduate students strengthen research and interpretation skills; gain valuable professional experiences and networking opportunities; and contribute to the historical work of cultural organizations and community groups.

Our student interns work with local and national historical agencies such as the Texas Historical Commission and the National Park Service. They’ve supported local preservation initiatives with Preservation Austin, Preservation Texas, and Texas Dance Hall Preservation. Interns gain experience in museum collections and public programs at the Witte Museum, National Museum of the Pacific War, and the Alamo Trust. Others have provided research support for community history groups like the Bastrop County African American Community Center.

If you are interested in partnering with our internship program, please contact the Public History Internship Director, Dr. Ruby Oram.

Internship Requirements for Students

  • Students must complete at least 160 hours of internship work to receive course credit. 
  • Students must have a designated Supervisor who can offer guidance and mentorship during their internship.
  • Internship work must rely on and strengthen public history skills.
    Student Interns must enroll in HIST 5374: Public History Internship and complete all course requirements (such as reflective writing assignments) during their internship.
  • Students who do not complete these course requirements will not receive credit for their internship.

Enrolling in HIST 5374: Public History Internship

  • Students must complete HIST 5371: Practice of Public History and 2 additional public history courses before registering for the internship course.
  • Students should apply for internships the semester before their designed internship term. While the internship course is offered each semester, most students apply for internships in the spring and enroll in HIST 5374 over the summer.
  • The Internship Director helps connect students with internship opportunities through email announcements and workshops. Students are responsible for applying for internships.
  • Students should inform the Internship Director as soon as they accept an internship position. The Internship Director will then share the required forms needed to enroll in HIST 5374.

Questions or concerns regarding public history internships can be directed to:
Dr. Ruby Oram | Internship Director
Assistant Professor of Practice
Department of History, Texas State University
Taylor Murphy 203